Menlo Park, CA, April 25th, 2019 – For the past year I have interviewed and photographed close to 100 immigrants spanning the entire spectrum: from the undocumented, to those seeking asylum, to DACA recipients, and finally, to those with full citizenship. My work focuses on communities being discriminated against by our current administration and includes people of all skills, from those doing manual labor to those highly skilled in medicine, law, and hi-tech.
This project came about from my sense of the dire need to increase understanding of and empathy towards immigrants and to move us, as a country, towards a more humane, compassionate, and integrated society.
But how?
In a world where people are increasingly polarized in their views and where social media has siphoned us off into communities of like-minded people, preconceived notions and biases are on the rise and not as quick or easy to dial back.
Knowing that those who succumb to negative narratives about immigrants may have had few opportunities to engage, in proximity, with them, I wanted to bring the breadth, depth, and complexity of immigrant experiences and contributions forward through photographs and stories, giving people access in a way that they may not have otherwise had. After all, one can argue about politics or even disregard facts but one cannot argue a person’s story.
To see a preview of this body of work and hear presentations by Mark Tuschman and immigrants who have participated in this project you are invited to:
Exhibit is Thursday May 16 7-9 pm, Friday May 17 7-9 pm, Saturday May 18 5-7pm
Mark Tuschman
Art Ventures Gallery is located at 888 Santa Cruz Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025
The gallery open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from noon to 6 pm, Friday and Saturday from 10 am – 6 pm, closed Sundays & Mondays. Artwork can also be seen by chance and appointment. Please call 650-400-5325 or email
Media Contact
Robert Burnie
Atero Marketing Group